I was put in touch with Alan and Anne after a yearlong search to discover the root only describe as a malevolent ‘entity’ would attack me on a regular basis. As well as all of this everything in my life was just wrong and had been for as long as I could remember.Alan worked in a way I had never seen before – using his pendulum to detect and remove demons from different places and people in my life – who still had a pull on me and were dragging my energy levels down. About an hour into our session I went to the loo and on glancing in the mirror got the shock of my life. Looking back at me was the me I had known about 10 years previously.
The face of the girl I was before the nervous break-down, two divorces and current ill health!Alan and Anne were with me for several hours, cleansing my past, the house and giving me hands-on-healing. When they left I felt what can only be described as ‘light’ and ‘new.’ It was as though I had been cleansed on every level and was starting out on a new page.
One week on I still feel so energised and light, I haven’t been depressed from 3-7pm, as I had been for the last year, my driving, which was slow from being dizzy has improved by miles (no pun intended) and I still have my 25 year old face (?)!I am waiting with anticipation for life to finally unfold. Thank you Anne and Alan for the vital energy and light you give where it is most needed. I will keep you updated...
L. Kilpatrick
Hi Alan and Ann, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the work that you did in our house last week - I feel that the results are tremendous. A huge weight has been lifted from within the house and an invisible block has been taken away particularly from between Huw and myself.
My only regret is that I was blaming him for it and he has felt blamed for a long time for something he wasn't doing! We are now using the whole of the house, quite happily. The children aren't switching lights on to go to the bathroom in the morning, Ollie is happy to play in his room, which he hasn't done before.
Megan and Maisie are comforted by the knowledge that Chrissy, their 'fairy' is around and Meg says hello and goodnight to her every day. I felt a bit shell-shocked after digesting what had happened (it doesn't happen every day in my world!) but I have processed most of the shock away on training that I am doing for dealing with trauma. I am no longer prepared to be changed by these spirits and am amazed how different it feels without them around. I cannot thank you enough.
If you can use this testimonial, please do. If there is any information that you were withholding on the day to protect me, I would be happy to know it as I feel so strong. I have salt and mirrors at my doors, and my aura soma is on its way from Liskeard. However, I feel strong and peaceful within myself.
I was lucky enough to be put in touch with Alan by another Psychic Surgeon south of the country as I was eager to find a Psychic Surgeon locally for issues with my eyesight experienced by me earlier this year. I sent Alan an email and he very promptly returned contact offering to see me at his home for a consultation as soon as possible.
I met up with Alan and his wife Anne soon after in their lovely home and I can only say that not only was the healing that he gave me first-rate and very effective, but also he is a very nice, knowledgeable and extremely intuitive man, well connected to the Spirit World, and very much puts you at ease as soon as you put a foot through his front door.
Alan very modestly doesn't claim to have studied Reiki, or any healing art, let alone having attended any course, but let me advise you being someone myself who teaches Reiki healing, Alans healing abilities are phenomenal. His connection to Spirit is very clear, strong, and he will demonstrate this by easily connecting to you and your guides. In fact Alan's abilities are beyond conventional healing systems.
Not only have I met a very talented Spirit Surgeon in Alan, but I have also made a true friend. I would heartily recommend anyone to seek Alan's expertise.
Alan Payne
I had a few troubled years and more so recently. By a unique chance Alan and Ann were referred to me. They have helped me through a lot during the last year. They have provided me with counselling, guidance and support throughout.
Alan and Ann care very much about what they do as well as the people they help.
As well as being extremely professional in what they do they also have the ability to take away all your fears and doubts almost instantly and straight away this puts your mind at ease. Their brilliant partnership also means that they never miss a trick and for all these reasons I would recommend them as highly as they were recommended to me.
So, I hired you for your work and felt a discernible improvement and relief. You taught me how to protect my body and my home, which I could feel was very powerful. Then my friend attacked me on the phone when I was in excruciating pain, one avenue that was "exposed." You taught me how to protect myself over the phone and computer.
Lorna Stewart
I feel so up and ready to face the world and look forward to what the day will bring, as far cry from what already seems a life time ago when the doctors were trying to put me on anti-depressants as I had felt so low I did not want to live!! There is a much greater peace in my home and with my animals. Spiro has not pee’d on Caspar's bed since your visit! The cold spots are gone and my heating has been turned down slightly. I know it has warmed up slightly outside, but not enough to have allowed such a change!! My car appears to be behaving better and I just feel so free from ‘being watched’.
I went out and got sea salt and mirrors. I still have to get sockets covers, but that will happen. I stayed up until 2 this morning, seeing in the New Year with neighbours, and still managed to get up at 8 this morning! I have been sorting through paperwork etc. and generally making a start on tidying up and clearing out. These are things I have been really struggling with as I just could not face going out in the evening and wanted to be ready for bed by 8 at the latest. I have been trying to get stuff sorted for months but just couldn’t face it.
I feel like a completely new person! On the health front, there appears to be improvements there, and I feel there has been one huge shift and I have reached a real turning point. I feel that now the good things that should have been happening can now happen and hopefully a bit of catching up too!!! I also have noticed that people are appearing to be more helpful, friendly and nicer towards me, and more helpful persons coming my way, such as the DHL delivery man who offered to bring the fire into the lounge for me (I declined as Susan was here, I wasn’t dressed, and I could managed it!), then there’s the extra helpful Sainsbury’s staff member, and the parts staff member at the garage who was a lot more helpful than the service desk and got someone to pop a new fuse into my car (washers stopped working before you came!).